Wednesday, December 14, 2016

The Great Unparalleled Example of Multiethnic Coexistance

                                                                                                      THE GOOD WORLD ANOMALY 

Human rights in the great empire.

It's been 100 years since the death of Franz Joseph, second last emperor of Austria and king of Hungary.

Distortions and lies of history, do not give justice, recognition and honor the right of this great man of the True Mittel Europe.

The truth about the Austrian Hapsburg Royal Family and the Great Empire can not be told, because it would overturn everything we have learned in the European history of the last 200 years.

Also promoted the beatification of Pope John Paul II for the last Austrian monarchs Charles I and Zita, he has never served to open the eyes of the world the truth. Who were these people really do not know. We know lies far from reality, and we completely ignoring those who were the authors of two great world catastrophe began in 1914. catastrophes that these rulers have tried to avoid the first two and then stop. No opportunity has never been granted to them to prevent and stop the great massacre. Peace was always denied to the Habsburgs, who in every way and in the end they tried to convince those who had supported the war, in particular the King Vittorio Emanuele

We have always understood that the Austrian Empire was an oppressive state of peoples, despot, militaristic, retrograde, a sort of arrogant strangler freedom of peoples. We always intended to Austria as a state absolutist and hostile to freedom and human rights. We learned that it was for these reasons that irredentism have undermined the monarchy, and with the help of a just war, they managed to free the oppressed peoples.

Bah! Nothing could be more patently false!
we take a look at the Austro-Hungarian Empire Map with regional breakdown:
Which of these 20 land that were animated by irredentism?

  • Perhaps the Croats of Dalmatia, Slavonia, Kvarner, Istria, who were always the Empire right up to the last minute and get rid of Serbs had to fight again.
  • Maybe Slovenes of Carniola, Styria, and Austian Litoral, who defended their land from Italy.
  • Perhaps the Italian Trieste that faithfulness in 1849. They obtained the land free state.
  • Perhaps the Italian Trentino has lived eight centuries with the Tyrol, which ignored the Piedmontese invasion.
  • Perhaps the Bohemians, wealthy nations and industrious German language for 70% and slave for 30%
  • Perhaps the Germans of Upper and Lower Austria, Salzburg, Tyrol, Vorarlberg, Styria.
  • Perhaps the inhabitants of Moravia, Silesia, Galicia, real ethnic and cultural cocktail.
  • Maybe Bosnian who in religious multiculturalism had their guaranteed rights

  • Certainly it is true that within the Hungarian state lived a large Romanian community. Also true that the Croatian people was subject Hungarian. But these two people were the ones who saved the empire from revolutions in 1848. Because of this,  Croatian and Romanian loyalty would soon got great autonomy of their own land

But on the Rights and Austrian administrative political system wants to talk
An order contrary to what we have always believed that it was more advanced in the world, considering the mix of ethnicities and cultures and the rights guaranteed to all.

In many nations of the world there was, segregation, racism, slavery, extreme exploitation.
Very different was the reality in Austria, where there was a much fairer system

  • A fair system in the administration of civil justice subjected to a warranty code for all human rights
  • An advanced sort in constitutional law, on the basis of a federal bicameral system
  • An advanced sorting in defense of fundamental rights of peoples: culture, language, religion, school.
  • In the Advanced Social Assistance, in the education and training system for all classes and peoples
  • Advanced to the libertarian laws on trade, import and export, in the workplace.
  • Advanced Innovations in the new tourist, reception, transport, trekking.
  • Advanced in industrial innovation in the communications, transport.

I know what I speak a language incomprehensible to many,
but the next lines, will illuminate the darkness of Knowledge.

After the mid-1800s revolutionary winds, imposed changes in the world. In the Austrian Empire said that the risk of being crushed, miraculously saved from the Croatian militia loyal to the crown flanked by moderate members and against revolutionary strongly present in the empire.
Between the cities and land more faithful to the crown stand out the names of Trieste, Rijeka and Trento, most faithful of the same Vienna and Budapest where revolutionaries swept.
But times have led governments to concessions and change, so were activated many internal debates and Imperial State reform projects.
Check that in six years with the definition of a political-administrative order, That vintage A good compromise between a federalist and a central monarchical system.
The best possible systems at that time: here the last three stages:

The imperial diploma of October 20, 1860:

This document and state the first real step towards a new and more correct imperial rule. It was enacted to implement the provincial constitutions of the kingdoms and Austria countries. With the October diploma, Che was not a real Constitution itself, but a declaration of principles which showed the central role of Parliament, Austria adopted the compromise solution which contained many elements federalists.
In fact, the Reichstag, an advisory body of the Emperor and single parliament for the whole state, was "extended" to the representatives of the Länder.

"License of February 1861",

This was the penultimate and training. A Constitutional Charter was in its own way, he has perfected the federal unitary model with a bicameral What made partakers all Länder.
Ben 345 representatives of the people were elected Dai Provincial Parliaments (Landtage).
The Reichstag was divided into rooms of questions that have equal legitimacy: the Chamber of Deputies, where the Chamber of 13 Länder, and of Lords, House of Peers thing and notables.
The committee, thus opening the doors to popular participation, Che would have to merge with the Peers, in the heterogeneous management A state where there were equal rights for all.
The rooms were still advisory bodies of the Sovereign who were Depend major powers and the ability to veto laws passed Chapel

The Constitution of 1867

 This was the last act, and that has given rise to a unitary State mA advanced largely decentralized
(With Hungary exclusion What constitutes autonomous state, remaining Austrian Empire Connected only to the person of the sovereign and for some common business: foreign, military and financial).
The judiciary has been competing for an independent state organ, regulated by the Statute A pure Law, and was born elaborated on Far Edict of Tolerance Maria Teresa.
Decree era organized power in a bicameral system and advanced federation, divided between:
(1) The Parliament of notables (Equivalent to our Chamber of Deputies)
(2) Senate of the Länder (regions) Ben 375 senators of the individual Lander representatives.

The two laws issued bedrooms, but also with the national laws of a local nature to suit the different needs of the Lander and peoples.

He gave the Senate the Lander of the possibility of legislative autonomy limited and reasonable, Dava For regional representatives Of the possibility of having a proper weight in the system.
Sovereign remained cautiously to many abilities and so many powers, to avoid internal clashes Severe. However, even if a small steps the great empire was started on the difficult path of constitutional and democratic federalism.

This Constitution, in those years was a compromise between a State and Central One Federal State, all Dove has had enough room to improve a state that it has kept its integrity, its unity, but in perfect respect for human rights.

The legal system still guaranteed to all equality and justice.
The foundation stone for the construction of a modern state and federal rested. But within a few years the Austrian Empire he will draw near to the German Reich by creating fear psychosis and in the rest of the world. I never made a secret of great projects federative Germany, projected by William of Germany and the successor to the Austrian crown Francesco Ferdinanado, it will become a great threat to the interests of other great powers ,.
French, English, Russian, will use any means to get to the war, even with secret plots within the Lander, to destroy the possibility of great continental German system.
significant agreements War Secrets pre ended in Paris with the Slavs Bohemians (Ceki). In London he reached pacts Serbs also secrets.
Significant that the British gave the deceptions In Italian in the Treaty of London of 1915 and the Arabs in Palestine with Lawrence of Arabia
Incitement secret and funded by the British and French in favor, Serbs and Slavic Bohemians prepared for war. It 'was the dogged pursuit of war by the Russians, the French and the British that led to the recognition of many Killers, for an attempt on the life of Emperor Franz Joseph, to kill his wife Sissi, to assassinate Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife, which will lead to war. A terrible war that in addition to destroying the European world leadership, led to the destruction of one of the Member States of best law in the world.

From these horrendous events described as heroic, he was born and raised the demon that will destroy Europe.

A reflection of today and Franz Joseph duty in memory: If someone was trying to kill you, then kill your wife, so not too happy kill your brother and your sister, if the son and his girlfriend died in mysterious and violent circumstances. ... never .. What would you do if you knew for sure who are the culprits?
Put yourself in the Austrian kings shoes and you will understand if you can walk upright.
What ever would the new president vagabond, if for example the Mexicans or Arabs must present the disasters suffered by Franz Joseph?
The answers are all too obvious, and we think that instead the last because the Austrian rulers and their wives, they have done everything possible to avoid war.

Recall that in the parliament in Vienna in the early 1900s, he worked Future great Italian statesman: Alcide De Gasperi, who was appointed to the Lander chamber that represents the Tyrol.

Who knows whether the Austrian Constitution of 1867 served to found the Italian 90 years later?!

Reflect and seek the truth!

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