Sunday, December 11, 2016

illegal nations

Illegal nations created by an illegal world

Throughout the ages, from the end of middle age, to the present day, the world (so called) civilized, has militarily occupied the rest of the world, dividing it to exploit its riches.
These words seems almost gentle, but the exploitation of the wealth of entire continents by few nations, has caused huge disaster, extreme poverty, slavery, death, despair, epidemics, mass killing. All in the name of false motivations.
We speak of civilization, right religions, political ethics, racial discrimination.
false ideologies and cruel of which we still filled our heads.
From the far past,  Spain, Portugal, France, Holland, Belgium, England, Italy, the United States, have divided the world , have created nations tracking lines of competence, have created their exploitation territories. 
But these may not be recognized as legal nations, because a nation must be the expression of the will of the people who inhabit it 
A territory and its inhabitants can not be subjected to external will, it can not be subjected to exploitation of others.
Such a nation can not be considered legal and for these reasons the entire third world turns out to be an illegal world. 
An illegal world of poor people exploited, murdered, subjected to wars , deprived of their identity , and of their land. We speak of decolonization, as the system that brought the colonized to their independence, but is pure falsehood .
The colonial system has changed in form but not in substance.
The colonial divisions were defined as free nations, but it is pure lie: 1st because these territorial divisions do not take into account the ethnic groups of their people . 2nd because who governs them, is supported and kept in office, by the states colonizers who exploit the riches. 
Often the colonialist nations are competing for control of these territories, fueling and financing disastrous wars fought by the local populations, causing massive exoduses

Where there is a war, there is a colonial dispute

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