Monday, September 11, 2017

Nolan's Film Dunkirk : The History learned at Cinema

Cinema as the greatest educator

  Nolan's film, Dunkirk, has been released for a few days in cinemas around the world, tells the miraculous English retreat from French territory at the end of May 1940.  
A film loaded with heroic gesture and emotion, a good movie, well done, well-cast.

Unfortunately, however, this is another great tool for manipulating historical truth,another good means of fixing a historical memory other than reality.

What does the official story and the movie Dunkirk tell us:

In September 1939 Hitler's Germany, already launched at the conquest of the globe, after the invasions of Austria and Czechoslovakia, also invaded Poland. The governments of England and France decide to stop the ambitions of the German dictator and save the world, so they declare war on Germany. After destroying Poland, the German dictator turned to Scandinavian countries and boldly occupied Norway in April 1940. Then, to surprise French defenses and circumvent the Maginot line, Hitler ordered the Benelux invasion on 10 May (Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands). The French army, though rescued by a strong British contingent, failed to stop the expanding German armies by forcing the French and English armies to retreat to Normandy. From the port of Dunkirk (Dunkirk) to Normandy, the English marina under a ceaseless fire, managed to do the miracle to bring home 400,000 British soldiers.

What was the reality, 

The encirclement of French and English armies by German motorized troops had already been completed on 24 May. Panzer had been stuck for two days at S. Omer Graveline (15km from Dunkirk) when the bulk of British troops dumped at Dunkerque harbor. That was the worst condition for an army: it could be annihilated with a mere half-hour barrel. The powerful German tank divisions that had traveled nearly 700 miles to enemy territory by winning every battle, barred any obstacles and making thousands of prisoners were deployed just a few miles from Dunkirk. He was ready for the shot of grace to the now defenseless enemy and stabbed for three days on a harbor, just open the fire from afar. However, those panzer did not shoot a single shot, the infantry did not attack an enemy with the shoulders to the wall (the sea), the aviation winner so far in every battle, did not machine the massive British soldiers, the artillery remained muddled, though the target was so easy to hit, the fleet of U-boats and battle ships remained far away elsewhere.

In the movie, only one sequence tells the truth of the facts: An English soldier asks the comrade "why do not they attack us from the ground?" my partner replies "I do not know" Why did not the British soldiers be attacked and destroyed? 
This question is still valid today. Those soldiers did not know the answer, as we do not know it today. 
Simply answer, because we like them, do not know the truth.

Let's find out then, this truth, let's investigate. What we discover will be incredible, but unquestionable

For those who want to deepen the theme:

What Does It Tell Historical Truth, Facts and Documents ??

Berlin 1933. Although they failed all attempts to disintegrate German economic power, operated by French and British through the criminal Versailles conference clauses; and despite all the attempts to destroy German unity through the armed revolutions funded by France, the German people (and the Weimar Republic which governed him) were, however, in vain.
In a climate of collective desperation, an ambitious Austrian captain, Hitler, managed to lead the German people. In the 14 years between 1919 and 1933, the republic was sworn in by the winners, repaired far beyond its own value, had left the French racially devouring iron, coal, wood and livestock in enormous amounts without army fought disintegrating revolutions and armed forces, had seen destroying their currency (4 billion and 700 million marks per 1 dollar), had seen 6 million people die for hunger and curable diseases. All this for the policy of obedience to the winners, all this for the politics of submission and fear implemented by the republic. Hitler said enough to this desperate state of the German people. He promised resurrection and dignity and all followed him. To really understand, we should live in Berlin for one day on those years. Hitler was not an economist, a politician, a general, had great limits but what he did from 1933 to 1939 brought the German people to life and well-being. he was the creator of a miracle and the people of course followed him. Germany had started to return to great economic power.

In 1914 the great war broke out in Europe, the never-revealed purpose of that conflict was to destroy the continental shelf block. Then with the forthcoming French Anglo-Saxon conferences of Versailles, Saint Germain and Sevres in 1919, it was thought to have achieved the purpose of shredding the Mittel Europe German-Slaves, making it harmless on the world economic level and preventing this great block from joining the Middle East. .
But already in 1936, the winners of the Great War realized that to destroy the German economic threat, a second war was needed, much more destructive than the first war

London 1936: from R.A.F. the Bomber Command was born. A new aberrant instrument and war system is being created, which will become the main weapon of British and American. Bomber command designs and plans Strategic Bombardment to destroy all German cities, destroy structures and population, what we call total war today. In England and the United States, plans are being launched to build tens of thousands of huge long-range planes capable of carrying huge bombs and destroying enemy foes with fire storms (phosphorus bombs). But is not it a crime to kill civilians? No, it's just total war. Shooting a civilian is a crime, killing thousands in their homes is just a war action. RAF and USAAF take 5 years to prepare the weapon against the Germans, in 1941 they will be ready to destroy the whole of Germany and everything is scheduled for that date: defensive setup, invasion plans, transport logistics, alliances, preparation of troops. Starting to fly the new flying fortresses of Avro Lancaster and Boeing, nothing will be like before, in 1936 the next total war is planned.
REMEMBER ; it was 1936, almost 4 years before 2° war started. 
Someone decided that into 5 years, Germany will have to be razed to the ground and finally destroyed.

The Formidable Threat: After reshaping and reconstructing a Germany pushed into despair and despair, the Nazi party begins to devote its attention to the unjust and absurd international order that the French Anglican Parisian conferences (The Times in 1919 defined them as the largest crimes against humanity) had imposed on all of Europe and the Middle East.
The great war and the resulting European order should have served to ward off the formidable threat (economic) created by the great Mittel Europeo Germano - Slavo block. Now Hitler wanted to question the injustices of the European sorts of conferences (Versailles, S.Germain, Sevres). Now a united Mitteleuropa rejoined the French, British, American, and Russian allies as the formidable threat that was supposed to be averted. In London, Paris and Washington, no one had any doubts that he would have to resort to another war to finally destroy the Formidable Threat. So since 1936 the preparations have begun.

1938 Vienna: After the Great War ended, the Austrians were aware that their "Good World Anomaly" was lost and Mittel Europa destroyed. Vienna had understood the criminal intentions before the outcome of the conferences came out. Unlike their German brothers, they no longer had the hope of a just peace. The Germans of Austria could have been fragmented (as it happened) in several new states and to seek to remain united, they claimed to be annexed to the German Reich. French Angloans forbade this union and formalized the ban in the conference clauses. Another injustice, a people has the right to decide what state they belong to. So Hitler with courage cleared this imposition by joining his troops in Vienna acclaimed by the crowd. Austria was united to the German Reich in accordance with its legitimate will expressed in 1919

Munich Conference 1938: Hitler goes on to revise the Saint Germain Conference, pointing to another conference in Munich. With this international conference, Hitler succeeds in canceling one of the immense injustices of the 1919 Saint Germain Conference with which Czechoslovakia had formed. The new invented state included vast regions and cities with Austrian and Hungarian populations. Now Bohemia, Sudetes, Moravia populated by Germans (Porsche, for example, was an Austrian Bohemian) returned to Austria and consequently in the new united Germany.

Danzig September 1939: After having "adjusted" some serious injustices imposed on Austria at the Saint Germain conference, Hitler begins to devote himself to the injustices imposed on Germany by another versailles criminals conference. To give Poland the outskirts of the sea and the coal mines, all over Pomerania (Central Prussia) and much of Silesia had ended in the Polish borders. Thus, Prussia had divided into two parts within which a large Polish territory inhabited by Germans, whose main city was Danzig with its great port on the Baltic Sea. For years in the German territories that became Poles, persecution and ethnic cleansing were in progress on Germans, but in 1939 these horrors took a swirling acceleration that was even made public. News and pictures of public lynching of the German citizens of Danzig, bounced on newspapers around the world. The purpose was clear that he wanted to cause Hitler to get to the war. English and American grew polar to these actions, promising them the riches and territories they would get at the end of a war that would end in 1941. The resulting German ultimatum to Poland at the end of August was rejected and the Polish government threatened to launch a military offensive to arrive in Berlin. In response to this threat, German troops crossed the Polish border on September 1, 1939. German revenge for the 20 years of oppression and violence against the German populations of Pomeranian was tremendous, Warsaw was destroyed, but the trap was taken, the end anglo American was achieved. World War II could begin, England and France hastened to declare war on Germany, motivating it with the need to save the world from Hitler (famous is the sketch of Charlie Chaplin disguised by Hitler kicking a world).

Paris January 1940, Command of the French Armed Forces: The trap was taken and the planned war to destroy Germany was already a reality, but the allies lacked a year to reach the destructive power needed, a plan was needed to stop the German offensive and lay the foundations for the offensive program on 1941 German soil alongside the Americans. Belgium and the Netherlands with their rivers and channels close to the German border were perfect for setting up a long bridgehead connected to the sea from which easily supplies and weapons would come. In addition, the Canals and fortifications in the Benelux used to contain and block a likely German offensive. The French Major General elaborated a plan of defense and attack along a line running along the channels of Belgium and Holland The "Dyle Plan" elaborated by General Gamelin takes its name from the fortified canal area south of Brussels and was drawn up in direct agreement with the British, Belgian and Dutch states. Immediately departed from England a highly specialized contingent of 400 thousand men and called BEF. The British expedition was attested to the Dyle River area and was linked to other French, Belgian and Dutch forces to form a long armed line from the Ardennes to the North Sea. Along all the channels of Belgium, Flanders and the Netherlands came in the middle after about 3.5 million soldiers to constitute the most powerful threat and defensive line ever seen in Benelux.

It can not therefore be argued that Belgium and the Netherlands were defenseless and neutral.

Benelux May 1940: Despite the September 14, 1939 British Free War declaration, throughout the winter and spring nothing happened on continental land for months. That 9-month period was called "The Strange War" precisely for the absence of war actions. In the French, British, Belgian and Dutch states, troops and vehicles were being massed in Belgium and Holland along the Dyle line, a total of over 3.5 million men, a few thousand wagons and cannons. The German command could not ignore such a danger, and the generals Erich von Manstein, Gerd von Rundstedt and Guderian elaborated a bold plan of attack with three armed forces that kicked off the first morning of May 10, 1940. The French command regarded the Ardennes Belgium and Luxembourg, impenetrable by German tanks and therefore does not defend that area. But two great generals of Guderian and Rommel led most of the panzer division (Group A) through the impenetrable Ardennes. They hit the plain, surprised the French and Belgian defenses by shutting them off, then rammed into France. At the same time The great allied forces concentrated in Belgium and in the Netherlands, were attacked frontally by the other German Group B divisions.

the German action was light and well-prepared. although in the central sector of Belgium the numerical superiority of allied weapons and men was overwhelming, German divisions were unstoppable for the dynamism and the perfect synchronization between wagons, aviation, artillery and infantry.
Although speed and surprise were the winning strategies of the German armies, panzer divisions often stopped before entering urban centers and engaging in battle, in order to allow civilians to escape and rescue (see Photos).

While group B's unstoppable German armies pushed Allies to Normandy, capturing thousands of prisoners, the Guderian and Rommel panzer divisions traveled at 650 km to reach the sleeve in Boulogne, Calais and Graveline, where they arrived on May 24. The Norman coast was now in German hands and the last Dunkirk destination was at 15 km

Dunkerque 24 - 28 May 1940: Guderian and Rommel with their fast-armed divisions had conquered the sleeve coast with 2-day advantage over the allied retreat. The allied forces' encirclement was completed, just waiting and preparing for the easy final shot: a firefight in one concentrated spot, in these cases the yield remains the only way to save thousands of soldiers. Only a miracle or rescue could save the British expeditionary body BEF, which had already lost 63,000 troops and most of the weapons, now the remaining 337,000 soldiers drove to Dunkirk.
Nothing could save them from distruction if they had been attacked by the 3000 panzer bombed by 1200 guns and machine guns with 1500 tactical planes.
Only a miracle or yield could save half a million trapped soldiers, but Churchill did not want to know how to make peace, so terrorized soldiers were just a miracle to save themselves.
That miracle came: Hitler stopped his tanks a few miles from Dunkirk, the motorized armies that pulled the cannons stopped, the thousands of tactical combat aircraft remained on the ground.
The invincible German army that had won every battle over hundreds of miles and encircled the largest allied army now stopped at a few miles, renounced the overwhelming and devastating victory, grabbed its enemy. "Why do not they attack us?" "why do not they destroy us?" were the questions put by the British soldiers trapped. Questions that nobody could answer.

Those soldiers, still alive, came home and this was the miracle for all of them, a miracle they never understood. Those soldiers who received a miracle, continued to fight and hate those who had begged them, without knowing why, without imagine who really were the creators of that immanent tragedy.

Miracles and Collective Blindness The English exodus from Dunkirk was really a miracle, but the miracle has a clear explanation: We like those soldiers think that Hitler wants to destroy Europe and put it under his dominion, so we do not understand his sudden goodness and clemency Why did Hitler order his army to stop and leave the British? For many this is still a mystery, but the explanation is simple, just read Hitler's appeals at Churchill before and after the exodus from Dunkirk.

In the film, talk of yield invitations, while documents talk about peace deals.

It was not Hitler wanting the war, but Churchill and Roosewelt who had already planned it and were willing to sacrifice half a million soldiers for nothing. Hitler rescued the British soldiers, Churchill would not have done it, would sacrifice them to his pride, to his hatred. Hitler did not want to conquer Europe even not the World, he did not want the war against the British, and to convince them he did everything, this was his weakness, his fatal illusion.

Maybe somebody could give imaginative explanations to what happened in Dunkirk, but to remove any doubt I want to bring a significant comparison: Twenty days after the English exodus from Dunkirk, France was forced to surrender by the same armies that had let the English soldiers go to Dunkirk. The French army broke out in such a short time that nearly half a million soldiers were lost and 1,900,000 were captured, lost 2,230 aircraft and as many tanks. The German armies were so powerful that they could vanquish half a million soldiers in Dunkirk in minutes. The peace offerings Hitler made to the British continued over time, the most striking of which was the flight of Rudolf Hess in Scotland a year later. Also this a mystery ?? Mystery or will not understand? Hitler continued to offer peace and propose conferences for peace and disarmament despite the fact that German cities were every day under tremendous British carpet bombings. He proposed a moratorium on bombing civilians and cities, but was laughed, the main American Anglo-American weapon was in strategic bombardment to destroy cities with total war.

We learned that Hitler unleashed the Battle of England by bombarding ports and airports with the aviation, but we do not know that the British for 6 months already bombed the German cities. We ignore that German aviation had no strategic bomber to destroy cities, but only tactical bombing aircraft to use in battle. Both Hitler and Goering refused to build planes for strategic bombardment, for the total war. They did not want to destroy the world.

But Hitler did not want war either with France To understand just read the conditions of peace granted to France defeated definitively twenty days after the exodus of Dunkirk.

France remained its colonial empire, all its navy and merchant navy, while the center of the south was administered by a French government awaiting the end of the war.

The state was naturally opposed to Hitler's decisions. to consolidate and perhaps end the conflict in a short time, the Germans used French ships, such as armaments, like the whole Mediterranean, the Middle East and North Africa with their riches.
The French defeat was already crazy for the forces of the axis, the war could be said to have ended .. But instead .....

But Hitler was not a strategist or a military man, he was just a fierce dictator in love with England.
Hitler behaved like an unpaid lover who, in spite of being able to conquer his beloved, continues to court and forgive her even when she stabs him to kill him. He only faces it when it is forced or to show how strong he is, but without intending to destroy it.
All this "goodness" of this indulgence will cost you dearly to the German army and people, as it will cost even more to help the Italian army in Africa, Greece and the Balkans. Three huge faces cost the neck bone and ruin, to help who? Who then betrayed him.

Who would be the great villain, the world's danger, the great strategist, the devil in person?
If he was a stranger to the people, what was the British empire for four centuries?

So the great evil, the strangler of the world, was nothing but a pacifist?
Maybe He was not just a pacifist, but .... If we compare him with other heads of state like Churchill, Roosewelt, Stalin, Mussolini, we can assert it.

Note :

What were the French Anglican conferences of
* Versailles,
** S.Germain
*** Sevres

What the story says Official story: After the assassination of Sarajevo for a concatenation of almost casual and involuntary facts, it comes to the great war. The clash between the Western Democracies guarantors of the peoples' liberties and the Germans imperialism is immediately emerging, intensifying the whole of Europe.
Once the conflict is over, the "treaties" of peace are opened, from which the right order of the peoples of Europe is born. They emerge from those three new nation conferences, according to the concept of American President Wilson of the Autodetermination of Peoples. The central empires are dismembered and punished for their oppressive and militaristic politics that led to war. The responsibility of the conflict is attributed to the three empires that have lost the war: Germany, Austria Hungary, Turkey (Ottomans) and their territories are "liberated" and entrusted to independent and legitimate governments. Central empires are heavily repaired in money and raw materials for destruction and damage caused by the war they are responsible for.

What Does the True History of Facts and Documents Say: The assassination of Sarajevo comes as the final act of a spasmodic quest for the war that animated both English and French. There was a project of German union and reorganization of the Austrian Empire to which William of Germany worked, F. Ferdinando heir to the throne of Austria and the king of Romania. Europe's Mittel began to become a major and important reality in the world. A great economic power linked to the Ottoman Middle East Empire.
This for colonial states France and England was a major threat to their financial interests in the world. The British at the end of 1800 called it the Formidable Threat. (economic threat) United Germany (in 1871) had already passed the British industrial production, we imagine what represented a continental shelf.
The English and French intent from 1880 to 1914 was to come to a war that would destroy the German economic power.
In Sarajevo the assassins killed the reformer F. ferdinando and obtained the conflict sought. An impossible battle to win for the central empires.
At the end of the Great War, peace will follow the intentions of those who sought and won it.
However, in order to overcome the conflict, the intervention of the United States and its president, Wilson, an idealist believed to bring the world to peace and justice, was needed.
Wilson, however, was unaware of the work of his allies who had made secret deals, produced horrors and deceptions, and made promises that could not be maintained.
French Angloans to win the war had ruined their finances, and now someone had to rescue them (the winners).
The allies to avoid the defeat were safe, they had taken secret commitments with Serbs, Italians, Arabs, Rumens, Cheki, Poles, who now demanded the due.
Peace could not be anything right, there could be a pacification of peoples.
Anglo-British intentions were the destruction of the formidable threat and nothing would stop them

The Peace Conferences opened with a serious anomaly: Central Empires were excluded, the losers remained out.
So the American delegation protested for a long time, criminally declared the secret plots and dissociated sharply. Wilson had promised a fair peace to the Germans, in the end the American delegation abandoned the conference and returned to America. The United States will conclude a separate peace with the Central Empires.
So did the Italian delegation when he realized that the promises made in London in 1915 were all paperwork, protested and left the Paris conference.
Who had decided the fate of the conflict had gone for protest from peace conferences.

Even the Arabs who gave the allies vital help against Turkey were betrayed and their territories were under French and English sovereignty as protectorates.

Peace conferences were therefore discussed and elaborated by only French, English and Serbian.
Since the defeats were the three empires: Germano, Austria and Ottoman, three different conferences were made.
The first in Versailles for Germany,
the second in Saint Germain for Austria and the
Third in Sevres for the Ottomans.

* Versailles, encloses a 440-page book, a long series of unprecedented injustices, where Germany's hate and will to destroy Germany is obvious. the injustices of this conference are the main leaders of the Second World War
** Sain Germain destroyed the Austrian Mittel, dividing the former empire and creating arbitrary states, where enemy peoples lived among themselves. The boundaries of the new European order were designed to smash German people and Germans by relegating them to so many different states, so as to keep them divided. In 1919, in many countries, the foreign population was higher than that of the national language and ethnicity, for example 65% of non-Polish people lived in Poland, as well as in Czechoslovakia, Romania. Yugoslavia was created by bringing together peoples who have always been enemies among them. The injustices of this conference are responsible not only for the Second World War, but also for all Balkan wars and the center of Europe for a century.
*** Sevres arbitrarily destroyed the Ottoman Empire and operated unprecedented territorial mutilations to Turkey itself. The Ottoman territories, rich in oil and populated by the Arabs who ingenuously helped the British in the war, were divided between British and French who created arbitrary states with invented boundaries and established them as protectorates and puppet governments. The unprecedented injustices of this conference have been responsible for the colonial massacres since the 1920s and are the origin of problems, massacres, wars and destructions throughout the Middle East still in progress.

The American newspaper Times in 1919 defined the clauses of these conferences as the largest and most arbitrary crime against humanity

Orders of 1919 can not be considered legal, just. Even if they do not ever get rid of them, at least they will recognize their nature.

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